Hey everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic weekend and happy Father's Day!! In preparation for my family's southern vacation we bought and inflatable kayak to use at the beach and our rental house! We decided to try it out at our local state park and I had conveniently scheduled my friend Grace (aka: G Vlogs, I'm sure you've heard of her, she's legit in like every other post) to come over at the same time we were going to kayak so my family, Grace, and Gramma went out on the water and had a lot of fun boating together! I decided to make a video about it and I hope you enjoy! :)
Episode 43: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qFmGA1qE24
My Channel: (Edith Noble) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXXLYRl1ImCPHpCqeFdilg