Hellooo everyone! I hope you're having a great day! This week's video is about a little project that I did for my uncle's wedding, and I decided to add in a little vlog of the wedding! He and his fiance asked me to write messages on little chalkboards for the different tables to show people where the gifts, cards, etc. were, and it actually turned out to be a really nice decoration for the ceremony and reception! In the video I showed you how I wrote out the messages in a fancy cursive font and how they ended up looking at the wedding. Be sure to check it out!
In this blog post for some reason I really wanted to write about a project I did at school, and share some funny stories from it. Basically, in Social Studies class (History) we were learning about WWI and so our big end of the year project was to get in a (randomly chosen) group and make a 9-10 minute newscast about the war. It ended up being super fun and I think everyone's turned out really well, but there were some interesting scenarios along the way.
First of all, my group was made up of 3 girls and 1 boy. That itself should indicate some funny happenings, and for the sake of privacy I'll change their names when writing about us.
For one scene we were doing an interview with a pretend survivor of the Lusitania sinking, (if you don't know what that is, basically it a big passenger liner that was sunk by the Germans and it eventually caused the U.S. to enter WWI) and I had to be the interviewee (if that's a word?). If you know middle school girls, you'll understand that when writing the script we had to plan out her (the interviewee's) entire life story, including the family that was on board and their ages, which was surprisingly fun. She ended up being named Petunia Evergreen and she was married and had two kids: a 5 year old boy and 4 year old girl. Of course, I had to be the one to dress up like a middle aged woman from 1915, which involved wearing aviator sunglasses, a pink bathrobe, and a very large sunhat. Don't judge... none of us really have a full 1915 wardrobe at home!
The girl who was interviewing me (let's name her Cammie) had on an overlarge suit jacket and one of those glasses with a nose and eyebrows/nosehair attached. Yeah. Please, just picture this for a moment...
Two 8th grade girls dressed in the aforementioned outfits sitting outside of a middle school parking lot in folding chairs with one talking in a British accent.
Just a typical day in the life.
For another scene I had to be dressed similarly but we were videoing inside. After we were dressed but before we started filming (let's call the other girl Julie) Julie and I had to go down to another teacher's room to ask for a tablecloth for the news table.
Imagine this, walking down the hallway of your school dressed in a pink bathrobe wearing glasses (the glasses were just for that scene) and walking into another teacher's room asking for a tablecloth.
I don't think I've ever seen 7th graders look so confused.
Oh gosh, this is turning into probably my longest blog post ever! Don't worry, I only have one more thing to write about.
Both 8th grade Social Studies classes (only 2 classes because I only have 35 kids in my grade) had probably about 2 weeks to film and edit the newscasts before we presented them to the classes. Honestly, 10 minutes may not sound like a lot of time but trust me, it was a struggle for all of us! It was supposed to be due on a Monday (it ended up being Tuesday but nobody knew that yet) and the mood on that Friday was one that I will never forget!
I never thought that I would see the kids in my class volunteer to film during lunch period, nor see them frantically rushing around the school dressed like everything from newsmen to army soldiers on the front. It was a sight to behold! Woodrow Wilson himself would have been proud!
Alright, now that I've entertained myself (and hopefully you) with those stories, here's this week's video!
Be sure to check it out and enjoy!
Episode 39: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S2vjGpD1Vc
My Channel: (Edith Noble) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXXLYRl1ImCPHpCqeFdilg