AHHH happy 2025!!! Personally, I'm so excited for this new year. While January 1st is truly just another day, the mental reset after a long year is always needed. 2024 had some high highs and low lows, and while nothing could prepare me for it, I'm happy to have made it through with those I love!
First of all, December was a such a nice month of rest, some travel, and family time at home. I somehow went to New York City twice? Once to tour a college with Abe, and the second time to visit Anna (of course). I also visited Michigan for the first time for an indoor track meet, while en route to spending a week in Chicago with dear Roan! I still managed to chill out at home with my family and have fun with my favorite people over the holidays.
As for 2024, where to begin... This was the year I bought my first vehicle (a bike, LOL), individually qualified for a national championship for the first time, visited seven new states, made some new friends, ran 2,298 miles across the country, worked on a ton of cool creative projects and maybe came closer to figuring out what I want to do for a career within art/photography.
My 'Year in Review' blog posts are always very special journal entries that I enjoy looking back on over the years. Honestly, I can't quite figure out the theme of this past year besides "life goes on". There were so many beautiful and fun moments, but this year they were met with equal hard and confusing moments. Of course, you can't appreciate the good times without experiencing the bad times first, but it's still sometimes hard to think that through the struggle fog. This year I learned so much, it's hard to even discern the most memorable. There was less physical change than 2023 -- I continued studying photography and graphic design at SCAD and being a part of the Cross Country and Track teams. I started sophomore year and with that has come a whole lot of new inspiration. At this current moment I love the idea of being an expedition/documentary photographer who helps to capture stories around the world. That's the basis of what my love for photography has always been, but this year I was exposed to more people/opportunities that showed me what's possible within the industry. I also started studying graphic design and have since realized what a passion that is for me! Using art that both I and others have created and translating that into graphics that tell stories is so deeply cool to me. I'm so excited to continue studying graphic design as a minor at SCAD.
I write more about this in my XC recap blog post, but this year as with this past cross country season I learned how to chill out and allow myself to enjoy both running and life. Sometimes life is very serious but sometimes it's really not and I make things far too complicated for myself! Running this year showed me that I can work hard and still have fun, striking the eternally impossible balance.
My ever-evolving faith journey is continuing and this coming year my personal focus is on prayer. I want to develop my relationship with God deeper by allowing myself to be more open and still with Him in prayer. I'm excited to feel how this progresses.
2024 was so fun, hard, exhilarating and inspiring. I'm thankful for growth, love and new challenges. 2025, please be kind!!!